Here's a tip: if there is an event of some sort that you want to go to that costs money, see if you can volunteer instead. I did that this weekend-- I volunteered to ride a segway around and to do information at the Celebrate Fairfax country fair. In fairness (ha!), I actually volunteered because I wanted to ride the segway, not because I was seeking free admission to the fair, but I'm pleased on both counts. For a few hours of riding the segway I got a weekend of free food (they had so many things that should have been submitted to This Is Why I'm Fat the blog- chocolate covered cheese cake on a stick? Really?), a fancy hotel room to myself, and a chance to see all of the concerts for free. Sugar Hill Gang has been reduced to playing country fairs, but man was it hilarious.
Oh, and most importantly-- I got to play with sugar gliders. They are being sold as pets and Caitlin wants to get one and name it Johannes Kepler. They are amazing. Look them up and then purchase them and keep them in your pocket. I was unsuccessful at getting any for free-- that was a cheapion fail of the weekend, but it's ok. All things considered, the weekend went quite well.
Addendum: Caitlin requested/demanded a picture of a sugar glider be added and I am happy to oblige. Also, the hotel had a closet full of snacks that you could take for free- Jake and I left w/ a purse full o' candy bars, drinks, and chips. They are now in our cabinets at home. Foard, please note that this means that we have snacks in the house right now-- and that they arrived for free. Count it.
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